Lou cigalou, a magnetic bot

De Nicelab
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A magnetic bot

This projet aims to build an useful bot able to sticks and climbs magnetic surfaces. Pillars, pylons, iron pipes, baseboards, metallic beams, sheet steel wall's... This tool can take on board at eight, without risking human life, small equipments. This project is to my knowledge an innovation.

A list by possible uses is:

Technologic uses:

  • Wifi or radio emitter
  • CCTV or cam
  • Lighting

Artistic uses:

  • mini video projector streaming on floor
  • for putting for the sight of all, by elevation, a work of art


Multi steps validations are necessary:

  1. Physical validation of a magnetic wheel
  2. hardware dev of the structure
  3. Electronic and software part
  4. Creation of a recoverable magnetic grip, for strengthened fixes. By using an on/off magnet system. I've an interesting theory about that ;)
  5. Fun!

1- magnetic wheel

The wheel is no doubt the oldest man's invention. The idea to make a iron's sticky wheel came to me by observing a rolling magnet along a iron locker. The magnet falled along the wall of the locker without deviating from it. By the way, I thought by motorizing it it will be able to climb this same wall. Very simple idea yes; but all the art will reside in the dev of this project.

I started to validated the concept of the metal sticking wheel by a very simple assembly.

I took off two ferrite cores from an old speaker
Haut parleur
Les 2 ferrites et l'aimant toroidal à droite

Between them I put a toroid neodym magnet.
One core is North, the other one the South. By touching a ferromagnetic surface the linesEn entrant au contact d'un matériau ferromagnétique les lignes de champs s'y concentrent, et l'adhérence s'effectue.

C'est le principe de l'aimant roulant, amélioré par une surface de contact plus grandes grace à l'emploi des ferrites. L'ajout d'une fine couche de caoutchouc offre une meilleure adhérence.
Vue de profil

L'adhérence est très forte, il ne reste plus qu'a motoriser cette petite roue et on aura notre véhicule! C'était l'étape décisive qui validait ou invalidait le projet, le reste n'est "que" bricolage. Nous pouvons procéder à l'étape 2.


//roue 1
 union (){
 color ("gray") cylinder(h=5,r=10,center=true);
 color ("gray") translate([0,0,8]) cylinder(h=5,r=10,center=true);
 color ("white") translate([0,0,4]) cylinder(h=3,r=8.5,center=true);}
 translate([0,0,4]) cylinder(h=15,r=6,center=true);

//moyeu 1
difference (){
 union (){
  translate([0,0,4]) cylinder(h=20,r=6,center=true);
  translate([0,0,11]) cylinder(h=1,r=7,center=true);
  translate([0,0,14]) cylinder(h=1,r=7,center=true);
  translate([0,0,-3]) cylinder(h=1,r=7,center=true);}
 translate([0,0,4]) cylinder(h=30,r=1.5,center=true);}

//arbre 1
color("white") translate([0,0,4]) cylinder(h=36,r=1.5,center=true);

//ecrous 1
color ("silver") difference(){
 translate([0,0,-7]) cylinder(h=2,r=3,center=true);
 translate([0,0,-7]) cylinder(h=2.1,r=1.5,center=true);}

color ("silver") difference(){
 translate([0,0,15]) cylinder(h=2,r=3,center=true);
 translate([0,0,15]) cylinder(h=2.1,r=1.5,center=true);}

//roulements 1 d3 D8 E3
color ("silver") difference(){
 translate([0,0,-9]) cylinder(h=3,r=4,center=true);
 translate([0,0,-9]) cylinder(h=3.1,r=1.5,center=true);}

color ("silver") difference(){
 translate([0,0,17]) cylinder(h=3,r=4,center=true);
 translate([0,0,17]) cylinder(h=3.1,r=1.5,center=true);}

 difference(){ union(){
  color ("cyan") hull(){
   translate([0,0,19.5]) cylinder(h=2,r=8,center=true);
   translate([-50,0,19.5]) cylinder(h=2,r=8,center=true);}

  color ("cyan") hull(){
   translate([0,0,-11]) cylinder(h=2,r=8,center=true);
   translate([-50,0,-11]) cylinder(h=2,r=8,center=true);}}
  translate([0,0,0]) cylinder(h=40,r=1.5,center=true);}  //trou de l'arbre
 //logement roulement
 color ("cyan") difference () {
  translate([0,0,-9]) cylinder(h=3,r=5,center=true);
  translate([0,0,-9]) cylinder(h=3.1,r=4,center=true);}

 color ("cyan") difference () {
  translate([0,0,17]) cylinder(h=3,r=5,center=true);
  translate([0,0,17]) cylinder(h=3.1,r=4,center=true);}

union (){
 color ("cyan") difference(){
  translate([-55,-8,-10]) cube([60,2,29]);
  translate([-73,-9,4.5]) rotate([0,45,0]) cube(30);
  translate([-20,-9,4.5]) rotate([0,45,0]) cube(30);}}
color ("cyan") translate([-38,-8,-10]) cube([26,2,29]);}

///////// Roue 2 /////////

 translate ([-50,0,0])
 union (){
 color ("gray") cylinder(h=5,r=10,center=true);
 color ("gray") translate([0,0,8]) cylinder(h=5,r=10,center=true);
 color ("white") translate([0,0,4]) cylinder(h=3,r=8.5,center=true);}
 translate([0,0,4]) cylinder(h=15,r=6,center=true);

//moyeu 2
 translate ([-50,0,0])difference (){
 union (){
  translate([0,0,4]) cylinder(h=20,r=6,center=true);
  translate([0,0,11]) cylinder(h=1,r=7,center=true);
  translate([0,0,14]) cylinder(h=1,r=7,center=true);
  translate([0,0,-3]) cylinder(h=1,r=7,center=true);}
 translate([0,0,4]) cylinder(h=30,r=1.5,center=true);}

//arbre 2
 translate ([-50,0,0])color("white") translate([0,0,4]) cylinder(h=36,r=1.5,center=true);

//ecrous 2
 translate ([-50,0,0])color ("silver") difference(){
 translate([0,0,-7]) cylinder(h=2,r=3,center=true);
 translate([0,0,-7]) cylinder(h=2.1,r=1.5,center=true);}

 translate ([-50,0,0])color ("silver") difference(){
 translate([0,0,15]) cylinder(h=2,r=3,center=true);
 translate([0,0,15]) cylinder(h=2.1,r=1.5,center=true);}

//roulements 2 d3 D8 E3
 translate ([-50,0,0])color ("silver") difference(){
 translate([0,0,-9]) cylinder(h=3,r=4,center=true);
 translate([0,0,-9]) cylinder(h=3.1,r=1.5,center=true);}

 translate ([-50,0,0])color ("silver") difference(){
 translate([0,0,17]) cylinder(h=3,r=4,center=true);
 translate([0,0,17]) cylinder(h=3.1,r=1.5,center=true);}

//Nema 17

color("black") translate ([-30,-6,-6]) cube ([12,12,10]);
color("silver") translate ([-30,-6,-10]) cube ([12,12,4]);
color("silver") translate ([-30,-6,4]) cube ([12,12,4]);

translate ([-24,0,12.5]) cylinder (h=5,r=4,center=true);
translate ([-24,0,15.5]) cylinder (h=1,r=5,center=true);
translate ([-24,0,12.5]) cylinder (h=1,r=5,center=true);
translate ([-24,0,9.5]) cylinder (h=1,r=5,center=true);
color("silver") translate ([-24,0,12.5]) cylinder (h=10,r=1.5,center=true); //arbre poulie

color("brown") difference(){
  translate ([-24,0,14]) cylinder (h=2,r=5,center=true);
  translate([0,0,12.5]) cylinder(h=2,r=7,center=true);}
  translate ([-24,0,13]) cylinder (h=2.1,r=4,center=true);
  translate([0,0,12.5]) cylinder(h=10,r=6,center=true);}}

color("brown") difference(){
  translate ([-24,0,11]) cylinder (h=2,r=5,center=true);
  translate([-50,0,12.5]) cylinder(h=2,r=7,center=true);}
  translate ([-24,0,11]) cylinder (h=2.1,r=4,center=true);
  translate([-50,0,12.5]) cylinder(h=10,r=6,center=true);}}